I can see
Lady Liberty and
la Tour Eiffel in one single shot -
two icons welcome you
to Paris.
Two iconic pieces of art, capture in one shot, in one poem. Only in Paris. Recently I took a little detour on my way to a meetup to make that photo, to have that view of Lady Liberty (the smaller version) and the Eiffel tower standing by the Seine together. We had been discussing this, during the We Are The Art sessions organised by Chris, AKA Chriscocreated. In this project he creates a collaborative piece based on an iconic artwork. In the sessions we have, we discuss which iconic works are going to be nominated. The conversations are fun, open, about art and about creativity.
What iconic work would you think of, when the category is monumental structures like the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty?
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Poésie de la vie
Creativity is an important power you can wield. But often we forget to practice it, because we are told time and time again that what we are making is not beautiful enough. That's a waste of resources. Build your creative confidence. This talk by David Kelley from IDEO has inspired me to start creative prompts again.